Here’s my story in a nutshell…
At the ripe old age of 6, I decided, that when I grew up I’d be in show business. My inspirations at the time were movies and TV shows that featured physical comedy and stand-up comedians. I’d watch those performers, and think, “Now…that’d be a great job to have!”. And, I suppose, I was slightly influenced by the teacher’s comment on my very first report card in grade one, which read…”Gordon is very disruptive in class“.
Eventually I did grow up. I quit smoking when I was seven, class-clowned my way through school, then studied theatre at college before embarking on a successful career as an actor, physical comedian and writer.
I feel very fortunate to have played on the mainstages of distinguished venues all around the world, from Canada’s National Arts Centre, to the Singapore International Arts Festival and London’s Royal Albert Hall, just to name a few.
For 15 years I travelled the globe as a featured clown in 4 different productions at Cirque du Soleil, most recently, creating and playing the lead clown role of The King on the international tour of “Kooza”.
Oh, yeah…I’m also an instructor, coach and consultant for clowning, physical comedy and improv, so please feel free to gimme a shout if you’re looking for that sort of thing!

- Actor
- Physical Comedian
- Clown (Cirque du Soleil)
- Comedy consulting & development
- Writer
- Workshop leader – clowning, improv, mime, creative thinking
- Stand-Up Comedy
40+ years performing lead roles & featured acts on the main stages of theatres, festivals and corporate events around the world.
8 years as a principal performer & writer at Axis Mime Theatre
Over 15 years as a featured clown at Cirque du Soleil in 4 different productions.
15 years as a principal improvisor at Vancouver Theatresports League.
Principal roles in 50+ TV Commercials (regional, national & international).
Co-founder, performer & workshop leader at The Comedy Factory, a Vancouver based corporate entertainment company specializing in customized comedy entertainment & creative thinking workshops.
Comedy & clowning instructor at School Creative Film & Acting Academy – Vancouver, BC
Workshop leader in Physical Comedy, Clowning, Improv & Mime at schools, colleges, universities and theatre companies across Canada.
CIRQUE DU SOLEIL (15 years):
- KOOZA Lead – featured Clown North/South America, Europe, Australia, Asia
- VAREKAI (Big Top Tour) Lead – the Skywatcher North & South America, Asia
- VAREKAI (Arena Tour) Lead – the Skywatcher North America
- BANANA SHPEEL Lead – featured Clown Chicago, New York City, Toronto
- SALTIMBANCO Lead – featured Clown North America
- NUMBER 14 Lead Role (8 characters) Axis Theatre (North America, Europe)
- RUDE AWAKENING Lead Role Axis Theatre (North America)
- FOOL’S ANGEL Lead Role Axis Theatre (North America, Europe)
- TERMINAL BLUES Lead Role (12 characters) National Arts Centre (Ottawa, Canada)
- THE RELAPSE Lead Role Vancouver Playhouse (Canada)
- THEATRESPORTS IMPROV Lead Role / Featured Act Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Seattle
- VAUDEVILLE EAST (series) Featured Variety Act Tamahnous Theatre (Vancouver)
- ROBINSON CRUSOE Friday Vancouver, Edmonton
- THE GORD SHOW Solo Show Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Quebec City, Montreal, Singapore
- STAND-UP COMEDY Featured Act / Host Punchlines (Canada)
- VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT Featured Act Corporate Events (Across Canada & USA)
- Expo 86 – World’s Fair (Vancouver)
- COMMERCIALS Principal Roles Regional, National & International
- SWITCHBACK Host & various characters CBC, Vancouver
- ACTOR ROLES on Various Network Television Series and MOW’s